1) You can sit down in an airplane here. a) seat b) chair c) assent d) accent 2) This person flies an airplane. a) airflyer b) airpilot c) pilot d) flightdriver 3) A plane does this when it begins to fly. a) fly up b) take off c) go up d) skydive 4) Another word for “baggage” is . . . a) package b) packet c) satchel d) luggage 5) This person travels by air (seriously, please) a) passenger b) fairy c) angel d) Birdman 6) Another way to say “get on” a plane is . . . a) hop up b) come on in c) board d) jump on 7) You can find taxis at an airport here. a) taxi station b) taxi stop c) taxi stand 8) When a plane is not on time, it is . . . a) late b) lost c) lame d) delayed 9) The place between rows of seats is the . . . a) aisle b) freeway c) passenger way d) flightway 10) When you leave an airport, you . . . (the correct expression, please) a) say goodbye b) depart c) don't come back d) travel 11) Put this on your suitcase. a) tag b) etiquette c) paper d) label 12) He or she can help you carry baggage. a) baggageman b) luggage lady c) porter d) potter 13) When you receive your food you put it on this. a) bag b) purse c) tray d) bowl 14) The person who attends passengers on a plane. a) flight attendant b) flight waiter c) cabin waiter d) cabin server


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