1) What is a narrative poem? a) a rhyming poem b) a poem that tells a story c) a poem with figurative language d) a poem written without rhyme e) a highly musical verse f) a 14 line poem 2) What is a sonnet a) a 14 line poem, typically written in iambic pentameter b) a poem that tells a story c) a highly musical verse d) a song-like verse that often tells of adventure e) poetry written without rhyme scheme or form. f) a poem that uses dramatic techniques 3) What is a free verse poem? a) a highly musical verse b) a poem that tells a story c) a poem that uses dramatic techniques d) poetry written without rhyme scheme or form e) 14- line poem, typically written in iambic pentameter f) a song-like verse that often tells of adventure 4) Ballad a) a highly musical verse b) 14- line poem, typically written in iambic pentameter c) poetry written without rhyme scheme or form d) a poem that tells a story e) a poem that uses dramatic techniques f) a song-like verse that often tells of adventure 5) What is personification? a) giving life to inanimate objects b) comparing two things using like or as c) comparing two things without using like or as d) rhyming e) repetition of a word or phrase f) appeal to emotion 6) What is pathos? a) comparing two things using like or as b) repetition of a word or phrase c) appeal to emotion d) giving life to an inanimate object e) rhyming f) appeal to logic 7) What is the difference between argumentation and persuasion? a) Persuasion rhymes b) Argumentation makes a strong point. c) argumentation has a conclusion d) Argumentation relies more on facts and persuasion more on emotions e) Persuasion relies more on facts and argumentation on emotions f) persuasion repeats words/ phrases

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