my daytime Internet surfing, eating out and buying coffee , reading, waking up at the crack of dawn, drinking 2 litres of water daily, falling asleep before midnight, keeping my posture, thinking positively, meditation, doing more exercise, eating healthily, stretching regularly, listening to podcasts, overusing slang or junk words, chewing gum, watching random videos that scroll across my feed about someone’s child or cat, worrying about things that could go wrong, watching an endless stream of YouTube videos, eating past 8 p.m., obsessing over things that have already happened, skipping breakfast, procrastination, waiting for the “right” time to work, buying holiday gifts at the last minute, leaving cell phone plugged in, even when it is fully charged, unconscious pen clicking, being all work and no play, breaking promises to yourself, worrying but not taking action, leaving your keys and wallet in random places.
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