Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD): Mucosal tissue destruction (ulcer) → perforation & bleeding in stomach/ duodenum, Dyspepsia + Decreased H&H, Worse with empty stomach, Stress → de-stress, H.Pylori infection → 3x or 4x antibiotics, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Chronic diarrhea or constipation with abd pain + bloating, Less severe than IBD, Weight loss, Erratic bowel patterns, colic, Abd pain relieved by defecation, mucus stool, ID triggers, meds treat underlying issue, fluid intake outside of meals, Crohn's Disease (IBD): Inflammation & “cobblestone” ulcers with mixed normal tissue, RLQ pain,decreased H& H, ^ESR, Pain with eating, Low grade fever, NO bleeding, Diet: high cal, protein, low fiber, no dairy, Potential for bowel resection, Ulcerative Colitis (IBD): Contiguous (borders touch) ulcers + inflammation starting in rectum, high pitched bowel sounds, LLQ pain, Liquid bloody stool (10-20/day) with mucus + pus, urgent need to defecate, low CA levels, Corticosteroids, I & O monitoring, diel: TPN potential, low residue, high cal, high protein, Diverticular Disease (IBD): Small sacs or pockets in the colon - can become infected/bleed, Diverticulitis : Alternating diarrhea / constipation, Cramps LLQ, ^ HR, No morphine, 3 conditions: diverticulosis (herniations), Diverticular bleeding, Diverticulitis = inflammation of sacs, -litis: CLD→ low fiber, lOsis: high fiber diet, Avoid nuts, seeds, kernels,
GI Diseases - Section 4 ATI
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