Hide scenery at top of proscenium stage - Fly loft, Wrote "Faust" and created the mighty line - Christopher Marlowe, Type of light that creates patterns on stage - Gobo, Director of Caroline, or Change - George C. Wolfe, Moliere wrote in this genre - Comedy of manner, Known as the 'father of realism' - Henrik Ibsen, Highest Broadway award - Tony, Movement that said it created its own rules - Romanticism, This historical period cut the orchestra area in half - Roman, This historical period had a full orchestra area - Greek, Sophocles wrote this play - Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King, Name of device that Greeks used to lower a god on stage - Deus ex machina, Light known as the workhorse of the theatre - Ellipsodial, Playwright associated with theatre of absurd - Samuel Beckett, Name of the spoken dialogue in a musical - book, Created terms like 'emotional recall' or 'magic if' - Stanislvaski, Type of rehearsal for lights and sound - Technical rehearsal, Characters in this drama are from everyday life - domestic, Greek god of theatre (wine and fertility) - Dionysus, Period that emphasized Aristotle's rules - Neoclassism, Wrote 'Death of a Salesman' - Arthur Miller, Device that moved scenery on and off stage - pole and chariot, Genre whose characters were either good or evil - melodrama, French word that means category or type - Genre, Type of rehearsal where costumes, makeup, lights, and sound are used - Dress, A type of character that represents a representative type of character - Quintessential, Type of character that is one dimensional - stock, Type of director who changes the playwright's work - Auteur, Who runs the actual live show - Stage manager, Dialogue in the language of everyday people - Vernacular, Exposed the more sordid side of human existence - Naturalism, Is associated with the Theatre of Cruelty - Antonin Artaud, Type of structure with several locations and characters - episodic, type of stage used most often - proscenium, Space between performer and audience - Aesthetic distance,
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