community - people that live together in an area, secret - something which is, or must be kept, secret, fight crime - take action to stop crime, lead - guide, lead double lives - have a second life no one else knows about, accountant - a keeper or inspector of (financial) accounts, put on - dress oneself in, hang out - spend time relaxing, read a novel - read a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real, the homeless - (people) without a place to live in, elderly - (rather) old, live alone - live with no-one else; by oneself, deserve - have earned as a right by one’s actions; to be worthy of, role model - a person who inspires you to think or act a certain way, keep safe - protect, ordinary - normal, extraordinary - surprising; unusual, make sure - act so that, or check that, something is certain or sure, explain - make (something) clear or easy to understand,


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