1) What is true about class participation? a) 25 pts per qtr b) 25 pts per qtr; 50 pts per sem c) you receive 1 pt credit each time you volunteer d) you must always have the right answer when you raise your hand e) 100 pts per qtr; 200 pts per sem f) none of the above 2) For class participation, which statement is most correct? a) if you raise your hand and are incorrect, you receive a minus ck mark b) if you never raise your hand, you might be called on unexpectedly c) you will generally get a point even if you are incorrect d) a and b are correct e) b and c are correct f) none of the above 3) Tangible work vs intangible work: a) reading is intangible but quizzes for the reading are tangible b) reading is tangible, quizzes intangible 4) Which statement regarding homework is NOT true: a) Homework will be assigned almost every day b) Late homework is not accepted after two weeks c) Late homework results in half credit d) If I am absent, I am still just as responsible for completing my homework on time e) homework can be found on the Announcements and Assignments page of Canvas f) you have one week to complete before it is considered late 5) If I am absent, how do I know what I missed? (choose most correct answer) a) Announcements page of Canvas b) Assignments page of Canvas c) Files page of Canvas d) a and b are correct e) b and c are correct f) a, b and c are correct 6) What is true regarding homework responses as well as quiz responses? (choose most correct answer) a) How much you write is critical for a high grade b) Correct responses are critical for a high grade c) Finishing quickly is critical for a high grade d) a and b are correct e) b and c are correct f) a, b and c are correct 7) What is true regarding doctor appointments during Eng class time? a) You are not permitted to have dr appts during Eng b) You are strongly requested to schedule all appts outside Eng class time c) You are encouraged to schedule during Eng class time d) You can schedule but will lose pts if you miss Eng class time e) There is no makeup for what you missed f) none of the above 8) What is true regarding missed class due to illness, sports event or appt? (choose most correct answer) a) You are responsible to find out what you missed b) Missed work can be found in Canvas' Announcements and Assignments pages c) You must complete the assignments and turn them in on time regardless of missing class d) You are excused and may turn in homework the day AFTER you get back e) all of the above are correct f) a, b and c are correct 9) What is true regarding making up quizzes? a) Tues and Wed after school b) Wed and Thurs after school c) Before school and sometimes first break d) Come in during another period e) a and c are correct f) c and d are correct  10) What is true regarding vocab quizzes? a) They are assigned approx every two weeks b) They are assigned once a week c) There will be a word bank d) They are monthly e) a and c are correct f) b and c are correct 11) What is true regarding plagiarism and all other forms of cheating? (choose most correct answer) a) You will be kicked out of the class b) You will receive a 0 on the assignment c) If you admit to it, you'll receive a 0 but no further penalty is incurred d) if you deny it, a meeting will be established in the office e) all of the above are correct f) b, c and d are correct 12) Where can you find Rubrics for how to respond to quiz questions and homework questions? a) At the bottom of the Home page in Canvas b) Under "Pages" in Canvas c) Under "Files" in Canvas d) Under "Rubrics" in Canvas e) All of the above f) None of the above

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