Unit Supplies (Staples) - 801-244-4390, Film Preservation - 22294, Indian Placement Program - 26808, Property Questions (Real Estate) - 23840, Mission Finance - 22222, Do we have notaries? What floor? - 14, Missing Person - 24049, International Dialing - 9#*5011 , Church Prefix - 240 353 433 422 etc, Taxes for GA's - 29531 or 23030 (Eric and Craig), Nurse On Call - 801 598 2853, Flooring - 25571, TSR in COB Kiosk - 21950, Toll free to CHQ - 1 800 453 3860, Paris Tabernacle - 1 800 448 2327, Order Checks - 23500, Salt Lake Parking Meters - 801 535 6628, Inner City Mission (last 4 digits) - 8042, Auditing for Units - 24018, Duty Phone- Account Team - 29025, Duty Phone- Employee/Temple/Mission offices - 27020, Agricultural Production - 20808, Airport Paging - 801 575 2600, West Gate Missionareis - 29190, Usher Badges (for events) - 23800, Knitting- Beehive Clothing - 24599, Virtual Conference Room - 385 419 4090, Cattle Ranch in Florida - 407 892 3672, Food Orders for meetings (Kitchen) - 25296, Grandin Press Building - 315 597 5982,

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