1) She's wearing a ...  a) smart dress. b) spotted dress. c) casual dress. 2) The gloves are ... a) spotted. b) unfashionable. c) plain black. 3) She's wearing a ... a) smart dress. b) casual dress. c) striped dress. 4) The snake is a) striped b) spotted c) plain 5) He's wearing ... a) fashionable clothes. b) unfashionable clothes. c) smart clothes. 6) The dress is ... a) ugly. b) unfashionale. c) fashionable. 7) Brad is wearing ... a) unfashionable clothes. b) smart clothes. c) ugly clothes. 8) The turtle is ... a) striped. b) unfashionable. c) spotted. 9) The tie is ...  a) striped. b) spotted. c) plain red.

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