anathema - someone or something that is intensely dislikes, cursed, or shunned. , assuage - To satisfy, avuncular - Like a benevolent uncle; familiar and indulgent, convivial - Sociable; concerned with good company and festivities, eclectic - combining elements from a variety of sources. , epigram - A short, witty poem or saying, expound - to explain in detail; to set forth, intrinsic - relating to the essential nature of something; real or actual, inveterate - Habitual or deeply rooted; persistent, mogul - A very powerful or wealthy person; a magnate, munificent - Extremely generous; liberal in giving, nascent - beginning to exist; emerging, perspicacious - clear sighted; shrewd, philistine - one who is indifferent to or disdainful of intellectual values, propitious - tending to favor or assist; encouraging,

Lesson 6 WW Bk 11


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