anter/o - front, arthr/o - joint, viscer/o - internal organs, cardi/o - heart, cephal/o - head, cervic/o - neck; cervix , col/o, colon/o - large intestine; colon, cost/o - rib, cyt/o - cell, dist/o - away from the point of origin; far; distant, dors/o - back of the body, enter/o - intestines (usually small intestines), gastr/o - stomach, glyc/o - sugar; glucose, hepat/o - liver, hist/o - tissue, infer/o - below, later/o - side, lip/o - fat, log/o - study, medi/o - middle, my/o - muscle, neur/o - nerve, path/o - disease, poster/o - back; behind, proxim/o - near the point of origin; near; close, sarc/o - flesh; connective tissue, super/o - above, thorac/o - chest, ventr/o - belly side of body,

Ch.1 Combining Terms (Part 1)


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