a. đôi bên cùng có lợi - A win-win situation is one in which everyone benefits:, a. hiệu quả kinh tế, sinh lợi - the most cost-effective way to invest in the stock market, a. thân thiện với môi trường - The building has many features that make it more eco-friendly as well as reducing heating costs., a. đa văn hóa - Britain is increasingly a multicultural society., a. bắt mắt - They packaged their candy in eye-catching wrappers., a. theo định hướng thị trường - But in the face of market-oriented economy, the culture of this kind also shows its inadaptability., a. gợi suy ngẫm, suy tư - It was an intelligent, thought-provoking script, but in Whitaker's eyes it just did not work., a. mới nhất, tiên tiến nhất - This state of the art technology will considerably reduce maintenance and increase durability of the needles three fold., n. bí quyết, sự hiểu biết - We have the know-how to prevent accidents from happening., n. lòng tự trọng - Poor self-esteem is at the centre of many of the difficulties we experience in our relationships., n. ấp ủ, nuôi dưỡng, chứa chấp - We should not harbor prejudice or suspicion to cultures we do not know., v. góp chung, hợp lực - Only by pooling their resources can governments hope o overcome global warming., v. phản ánh, phản chiếu - Many of today's social problems are not new but mirror similar dilemmas from the past., v. che đậy, che dấu - High test scores mask many students' inability to communicate effectively in a second language. , v. dựa trên, dựa vào - The case against him hinged on Lewis' evidence., v. khắc phục, thu hẹp khoảng cách - The governments must improve social welfare in order to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor., n. định hình, định hướng - University education should shape the mind and broaden horizons., v. tìm ra - Each country need to tailor a solution which meets their own particular situation. , v. sử dụng - By harnessing solar and wind energy, we can help our societies become more "green"., v. hạn chế, kiềm chế - In order to curb students' appetite for computer games, parents and schools should come up with healthy alternatives. , adv. ngược lại - Language influence culture and vice versa., adv. về thực chất, nói thẳng ra - The job, per se, isn't particularly interesting, but it pays well., adj. trên thực tế - English is the de facto language of the computer industry., n. hiện trạng - There are many people who wish to maintain the status quo., a. theo đầu người - Ethiopia has almost the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world, n. ân nhân - She was a generous benefactor to the library., n. thành kiến, định kiến - There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her., n. sự từ thiện, việc làm thiện tâm - Mrs Ander's recent philanthropy allows us to offer six new scholarships, n. rối loạn, không có tôn ti trật tự - A dysfunctional family unit is one of the root causes of criminal behaviour., n. quá hiếu động, tăng động - His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.,
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