Landscaper - I mow lawns and trim bushes, Dishwasher - I make sure restaurant plates and utensils are clean, Mailroom Clerk - I sort the letters and packages within a company, Custodian - I clean and sanitize, Animal Care Attendant - I help with the animals, Sales Associate - I help sell merchandise, Office Assistant - I work in an office, Warehouse Associate - I work with merchandise packages in a large facility, Housekeeper - I clean and dust your home, Laundry Attendant - I wash, dry, and fold, Food Prep Chef - I help prepare food before it is cooked, Baker's Assistant - I make bread and sweet treats, Pilot - I fly planes, Greenhouse Assistant - I help take care of plants, Zoologist - I take care of the animals in a zoo, Park Ranger - I work in a park,

Dream Job Match Up


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