Jahiliyyah - Age of Ignorance, Hasanats - Blessings of Allah, Quraish - Main Tribe in Kabah, Bakkah - Old name of Makkah, Yathrib - Old name of Madinah, Zamzam - Hajar discovered this, Kabah - Ibrahim (A) built this, HereAfter - Life after death, Quran and Sunnah - Muslims follow these, Jannat - Ultimate reward , Discipline and tests - Both from Allah, 99 - Names of Allah, Most Merciful - Ar Rahim, Master - Malik, Most Kind - Rahman, Asma al Husna - Arabic for names of Allah, Injil - Book of Isa, Zabur - Book of Dawud, Tawrat - Book of Musa, 3800 years - Makkah dates back to,

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