1) The carpet is blue. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 2) I am going to go swimming today. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 3) The house smells good so I think someone is burning a candle. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 4) The pillow is black. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 5) My cat is sleeping so she must be tired. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 6) I think the boy fishing will catch a lot of fish. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 7) I am going to do my homework. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 8) The girls are playing soccer, so I think they are having fun.  a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 9) The computer is black. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference 10) My laptop will need to be charged tonight. a) Observation b) Prediction c) Inference

Observations, Predictions, Inferences


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