POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE - Approved (exempted from registration by EPA) for use in food fish ponds as an oxidizing and detoxifying agent;experimentally to control external bacteria and parasites, ACETIC ACID (Vinegar) - Dip treatments are usually performed in buckets, aquaria, or small tanks, SALT - Approved (FDA-GRAS declaration) for use on food fish as an osmoregulatory enhancer, HYDRATED and SLAKED LIME - Are approved (by FDA-GRAS and EPA) as pond sterilants, HTH Dry (Calcium hypochlorite) - Approved (EPA) for use in food fish ponds as a disinfectant and sanitizer to control algae or kill bacteria, PARACIDE-F (formalin) - approved (FDA) as a paracide for use on trout, salmon, catfish, Iargemouth bass and bluegill, ROTENONE - approved nonfood fish toxicant; for removing unwanted fish from ponds before restocking, COPPER SULFATE - Approved algicide for algae in food fish ponds; used to treat parasites,


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