前天 - the day before yesterday, 猜猜看 - to guess, 每次 - every time, 门铃 - door bell, 请问 - May I ask……?, 每天 - everyday; daily, 你们 - you (plural), 问题 - question; problem, 两面 - two sides; both sides, 猜拳 - to decide with a finger-guessing game, 弟弟 - younger brother, 老人 - old person, 前面 - the front, 堂弟 - younger male cousin, 开门 - to open the door, 两个 - two; a pair, 哥哥 - older brother, 首都 - the capital, 谁的 - Whose……?, 表哥 - older male cousin, 我们 - we; us, 老鼠 - rat; mouse, 都有 - all have, 谁来了 - Who has come?,



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