How to make a change Upgrade software, patch an application, change firewall One of the most common risks in the enterprise Often overlooked or ignored - Change management, The change will work perfectly and nothing will ever go bad You should always have a way to revert your changes Always have backups - Rollback plan, Isolated testing environment Use before making a change to production Confirm the rollback plan  - Sandbox testing, A team effort - Many different parts of the organization IT team - Implements the change Business customer - The user of the technology or software - Responsible staff members, A formal process for managing change Nothing changes without the process Avoid downtime, confusion, and mistakes - Change management process, This is usually an online system Create detailed reports and statistics Usually a transparent process  - Change request forms, There needs to be a compelling reason Application upgrades Security fixes - Purpose of the change,

a+1102 4.2 - Change Management


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