1) You ............... eat less sugar. a) should b) would c) can d) might 2) We ............... wear a uniform at school. It's the rule. a) can b) have to c) must d) may 3) You ............... cook dinner tonight. Kate did it for you. a) mustn't b) have to c) don't have to d) cannot 4) ............... I use your tablet to check my emails? a) Would b) Could c) Should d) Will 5) ............... I leave the room, Sir? a) Will b) Would c) May d) could 6) Mary ............... download the files yesterday. Her computer crashed. a) shouldn't b) can't c) wasn't able to d) couldn't 7) Students ............... drink or eat in the class. a) must not b) don't have to c) aren't able to d) couldn't 8) Katya ............... swim when she was five. a) can b) would c) could d) is not able to 9) I ............... like to watch TV tonight. a) could b) would c) can d) have to 10) Lisa ............... repair your smartphone for you. a) must b) can c) has to d) might 11) We ............... fix Jack's computer. He was so grateful. a) mustn't b) could c) would d) were not able to 12) I ............... remember to call my grandma tomorrow. a) shouldn't b) had better c) can d) have to 13) Jerry ............... dance very well. a) can b) has to c) would d) is able to 14) ............... you like to try my new VR headset? a) Should b) Can c) Would d) May 15) You ............... feed the cat. I fed it half an hour ago. a) have to b) don't have to c) can't d) might



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