naive - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment , iniquitous - grossly unfair and morally wrong, capricious - given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior; changeable or unstable , pious - devoutly religious, faithful , desultory - lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; casual or half-hearted, brazen - bold and without shame; impudent; insolent, ruminate - think deeply about something; give profound consideration, disparage - regard or represent as being of little worth; disregard; belittle; or undervalue, superlative - of the highest quality or degree; the most excellent or outstanding , dubiously - with hesitation or doubt; in a way that arouses suspicion, distrust, or uncertainty, scrutinize - examine or inspect closely and throughly; audit carefully, laconic - using very few words,

And Then There Were None (Matching Part 2)


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