solar system - a group of planets and other bodies that revolve around a star, moon - natural satellite around a planet; Earth has 1 and Jupiter more than 75, Oort cloud - spherical shell around our solar system, Sun - a star; center of our solar system, meteor - a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, asteroid - minor planet—an object that is neither a true planet nor a comet—orbits within the inner solar system, comet - object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun., Kuiper belt - a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, believed to contain many comets, asteroids, and other small bodies made largely of ice, gravity - an attractive force that occurs between two masses, habitable zone - the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet, hydrosphere - all the solid, liquid, and gas forms of water, atmosphere - all the air on the planet, troposphere - all the air for photosynthesis and animals and also contains about 99 percent of all water vapor and aerosols, stratosphere - ozone layer, which protects us from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation, mesosphere - most meteors burn up in this atmospheric layer, thermosphere - ISS(International Space Station) travels in this layer,
7th gr Solar System
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