1) Who was the first Dragon Ball Z Villain? a) Cell b) Friza c) Emperor Pilaf d) Goku Black 2) Who is the strongest Destroyer God a) Beerus b) Champa c) Broly d) Gohan 3) Who is the strongest Angel a) Whis b) Vados c) Zeno d) Mirus 4) Who is the strongest Saiyan a) Goku b) Vegeta c) Gohan d) Broly 5) Who do Goku and Vegeta become when they fuse with the fusion dance a) Gogeta b) Vegito c) Kelfla d) Broly 6) Who is Goku's wife a) Bulma b) Chi Chi c) Mai d) Kale 7) Who is the Strongest Supreme Kai a) Gowasu b) Zamasu c) Goku Black d) Fused Zamasu 8) Who is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z a) Zeno b) Whis c) Beerus d) Goku 9) Who killed Goku a) HIt b) Vegeta c) Friza d) Baby Vegeta 10) Who defeated Cell Max a) Goku b) Beast Gohan c) Vegeta d) Piccolo

Dragon Ball Super Quiz


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