River basin - The area drained by a river and its tributaries, Groundwater - Water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers, Aquifer - Underground bed or layer yielding ground water for wells and springs etc, Aquatic - Term that describes an organism that lives in water, Hydrothermal vents - Spots on the ocean floor where hot gases and minerals escape from earth's interior into the water, Dissolved Oxygen - Oxygen dissolved in water, dissolved oxygen is important for fish and other aquatic animals, Benthos - Organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean or other body of water; bottom-dwellers, Nitrates - Nitrogen compounds used for growth by plants and algae, Watershed - The area of land that is drained by a water system, Plankton - Tiny algae and animals that float in water and are carried by waves and currents, Nekton - Free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water column, Upwelling - The movement of deep, cold, and nutrient-rich water to the surface, Potable - Suitable for drinking, Stewardship - Responsibility for conserving and restoring the Earth's resources for future generations, Universal Solvent - The quality of water that makes it able to dissolve more substances than any other solvent can, Terrestrial - Term that describes an organism that lives on land, Turbity - A measure of the clarity of the water (how clear is it?) High turbidity= dirty water, Submersible - An underwater vehicle built of strong materials to resist pressure at depth, Algal Bloom - An extremely rapid growth of algae caused by too many nutrients (nitrates & phosphates) in the water, Hydrosphere - All the water on earth,

Hydrology Vocab by Keira D


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