: Rubbish bins should be banned in school., Children should do 30 minutes of physical activity every day., English is more important than maths. , A pool is more fun than the beach., Children should choose their own bed time., Weekends should be 3 days long., Children should do 30 minutes of volunteer work at school., Australia is the most fascinating country., Birthday parties are a waste of time., Every child should learn a new language., Christmas should be banned., Every child should be in a sports club., Homework is unnecessary., Summer is more fun than winter., School uniform should be banned., School canteen should only sell healthy food., Screen time for children should be limited to 30 minutes per day., Books are better than movies., Household chores should be compulsory., Children should choose subjects they learn at school., Teachers should be able to use physical punishment., Men and women can never really be equal., Living in a city is better than living in the country., Tattoos must be forbidden., People who follow fashion are fools and probably have more money than sense., The future is frightening rather than exciting., English is a fairly easy language to learn., Smoking should be banned in all public places., It is better to stay single than to get married., When you speak a foreign language, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, as long as people understand you., Money is more important than love., Violence is sometimes necessary., Students should be required to study English in elementary school., Personality is more important than beauty., People who live in apartments shouldn’t own pets., No job is perfect., Everyone is good at something., We are not alone in the universe., Life was better 20 years ago., The most important thing about a job is the salary., You can know a lot about a person from the clothes he or she wears., Eating a lot of meat is good for your health., Eating too much sweet is bad for your health., Watching TV is the best way to relax., Only girls should learn to cook., Famous people are smarter than others., It is not easy to make new friends., You must get better results at schoool to make your parents happy., People like giving presents more than getting them., Calling people is old-fashioned. It`s better to text someone., I really don't care about what I wear., Comfort is the most important thing when choosing new clothes or shoes., Fashion industry is harmful to society and environment., People behave differently when they wear different clothes., Fashion is like eating. You shouldn't stick to the same menu., Fashions fade. Style is eternal., Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life., Global warming isn’t real., Men should open doors for women., Table manners and etiquette have become less important in the 21st century., Parents should never hit their children., There are no such things as ghosts., There are actions we can take to stop global warming., People who get plastic surgery usually look worse later in life., Nowadays, people are too dependent on medicine., This country’s healthcare system needs a lot of improvement., If you feel unwell, you should go to the doctor., Western medicine is more effective than Eastern medicine., People who use acupuncture are crazy., People should be more concerned about their health., Home remedies can be just as useful as medicine from a pharmacy., Obesity is a disease., Humans shouldn’t drink the milk of other animals such as cows., There should be an extra tax on unhealthy food., Worrying about cancer can give you cancer., Children shouldn't be given any pocket money., Celebrities earn too much money., We do not really need religion., Your race affects your intelligence., Marriage is outdated., Dogs make better companions than cats., Females are better students than males., Decisions that people make quickly are always wrong., Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers., When people succeed, it's because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success., Parents are the best teachers., It's ok to lie., Soft drugs like marijuana should be legalized., You can’t have a happy family life and a successful career at the same time., You should never accept a friend request from someone you don’t know., The more people use social networks, the less time they have for real-time communication., We all are selfish., The more we use the internet, the more stupid we become. There is nothing useful on all these websites., A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . The man who never reads lives only one., Vaccination is a choice not a must., Carrying gun for self protection should be legal., It is better to take any job than to be unemployed., There are certain jobs that are not really suitable for women., The Internet has completely changed the way people work, learn, shop and do business., Today's music is not as good as it used to be.,
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