upheaval - violent disturbance, reckoning - a calculation that you make, hoards - a large amount of something, troopers - a soldier who belongs to the lowest rank in the part of an army that fights in strong military vehicles or on horses, entrench - to firmly establish something, especially an idea or a problem, so that it cannot be changed, kick out - expel or eject, etch - engrave, mark sth. clearly, heartening - making you feel happier and more positive, curveballs - something such as a question or event that is surprising or unexpected, and therefore difficult to deal with, stakes - to make a situation more urgent or more difficult to ignore, resilience - the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened, scar tissue - thick skin where a wound has healed, strut strutting - to walk in a proud way trying to look important, lap - circuit, round, pomp - impressive and colorful ceremonies, especially traditional ceremonies on public occasions, riot gear - the special clothes and equipment that the police use when they are dealing with a large violent group of people, unrest - agitation,
Class 2024-From Pandemic to protests.
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