Antibiotic - Used to get rid of bacteria and other living infections, Eukaryote - Has a nucleus, Niche - An organism's role in a ecosystem, Glucose - A compound used by organisms for energy, Fungi - Heterotrophic organisms that consume dead organisms for energy., Heterotroph - An organism that eats other organisms, Carrier - A person that transports a disease without knowing, Biofuel - Fuel made from organic matter, Quarantine - A period of time where everyone is seperated, Ethical - The idea of morally right or wrong, Protist - Single celled microorganisms., Pathogen - A way a disease is spread, Prokayote - Doesn't have a nucleus, Organelle - The name for organs in cells, Autotroph - An organism that produces it's own food, Enzyme - A biological chemical used in many bodily processes, Commensalism - A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected., Lipid - A different term for fats, Epidemic - A localized outbreak of a disease, Pandemic - A worldwide outbreak of a disease,


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