extreme - something that is harsh or extraordinary; reaching the highest level, eruption - an explosion or outburst because of pressure, Fahrenheit - a measurement of temperature, mainly used in the United States, solitary - by oneself, alone, exposed - laying bare, unprotected, strata - layers of rock, magma - molten rock, called lava when it reaches Earth’s surface, spectacular - eye-catching, incredible or unbelievable, crust - the top layer on the surface of the Earth, shelter - a safe place away from danger or elements of weather, plates - large sections of Earth’s crust, erosion - the movement of rocks or soil from wind, water and ice, vents - cracks in Earth’s crust where lava comes out, glacier - slow moving river of ice, talus slope - piles of broken boulders, rocks, and soil at the bottom of a mountain, scarcely - hardly; slightly; only by a little bit,

Wit & Wisdom Module 2 Arc 2 Unscramble


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