Astronomical unit - The average distance from the Earth to the Sun, about 93 million miles. It's used to measure distances within our solar system., Asteroid - A rocky object that orbits the sun, usually found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter., Comet - A small celestial body made of ice, dust, and gas that develops a bright cloud and sometimes a tail when it gets close to the sun., Debris - Pieces of rock, metal, or other material in space, often left over from collisions or the breakup of celestial bodies., Dwarf Planet - A spherical celestial body that orbits the Sun but does not have enough gravity to clear its orbit of other debris., Elliptical - An oval shape. Many orbits in space, like the paths of planets around the Sun, are elliptical., Gravity - The force that pulls objects toward each other. Gravity keeps planets in orbit around the Sun., Inner planets - The rocky planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars., Jovian planet - A gas giant planet like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, which are large and mostly made of gas., Kuiper Belt - A region beyond Neptune filled with many small, icy bodies, including dwarf planets like Pluto., Meteor - A small particle from space that burns up as it enters Earth's atmosphere, often seen as a shooting star., Meteoroid - A small rock or particle from space before it enters Earth's atmosphere., Moon - A natural satellite that orbits a planet. Earth's moon is simply called the Moon., Oort Cloud - A distant, spherical shell of icy objects surrounding the solar system, far beyond the Kuiper Belt., Orbit - The path one object takes as it revolves around another object. For example, Earth orbits the Sun., Outer planets - The gas giant planets farther from the Sun: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune., Planet - A large celestial body that orbits a star, is spherical, and has cleared its orbit of other debris., Rotation - The spinning of an object around its axis. Earth rotates, causing day and night., Solar system - The Sun and all the objects that orbit it, including planets, moons, asteroids, and comets., Sun - The star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to the planets., Terrestrial - Refers to Earth-like, rocky planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.,
Objects in the Solar System Vocabulary Practice
7th Grade
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