How many amendments does the Constitution have? - 27, How many U.S. Senators are there? - 100, We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? - 6, The House of Representatives has how many voting members? - 435, We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? - 2, We elect a President for how many years? - 4, In what month do we vote for President? - November, How many justices are on the Supreme Court? - 9, How old do citizens have to be to vote for President? - 18, When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms? - April 15, When must all men register for the Selective Service? - at age 18; between 18 and 26, When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? - July 4, 1776, When was the Constitution written? - 1787, When do we celebrate Independence Day? - July 4,




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