weapon - guns, knives… things used to hurt other people, explosive - a thing that can explode (blow up), kidnap - Taking someone by force, assassination - Killing an important person, hijacking - Taking control of a car/ship/plane by force., threaten - Say you will hurt them if they don’t do things you say, torture - hurt people to make them feel pain or punish them, genocide - killing of a whole group or race of people, injure - hurt, practice their religion - follow their beliefs, national origin - home country, self-defense unit - a group that protects people or property created by people, vigilante unit - a group that acts like a police illegally, rebel group - a group that fights against government, guerrilla group - an unofficial military group, detention facility - a place where people are forced to stay, labor camp - a place where people are forced to stay and do hard work,

N-400 Part 9, Q6-9



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