1) On Sunday, all the adults in the world suddenly disappeared. Today is Monday. What happens now? 2) Explain why your favorite movie/book/show is the best one around. 3) A genie gives you three wishes. What would you wish for, and why? 4) You are the extraordinary designer of a new clothing item that is taking the world by storm. What is it, and what is its purpose? 5) Tell a story about a society of animals that is kept secret from humans. 6) When doing some cleaning in your attic, you brush some dust off an old chest and realize it is carved with letters in a language you don't know. What's in the chest, and what do you do with it? 7) A delegation of aliens from a faraway galaxy is arriving in Earth's orbit in a few hours. You have been chosen as the sole representative of humanity. What do you bring with you to the aliens' spaceship, and what do you say to them? 8) You have the chance to travel to any place and time period in history, but with a catch -- you can't come back. Do you take the chance? Where and when do you go? 9) The legendary Dread Pirate Roberts kidnaps you and tells you he wants to retire. He offers you the chance to assume his identity and captain his ship. 10) What is your favorite animal? Why? 11) You've just invented something extraordinary, and scientists say it is going to change the world. What did you invent? What happens now? 12) Write the chorus for a new hit song. 13) You've just been inducted into the Hall of Fame for your favorite sport. Write the story of your career. 14) Tell a story about a new cult that starts gaining followers in America. Who are they, and what is their cult about? 15) After a delicious seafood dinner -- maybe too delicious, now that you think about it -- you grow gills on the side of your neck. You gain the ability to breathe water, but can no longer breathe air. What do you do with your new power? 16) Your dog turns to you one day and speaks out loud in English (later revealing they've been able to speak this whole time). 17) There is a literal elephant in the room. 18) Tell a story about a planet covered in one giant, super-dense city. 19) Create a new mythological creature and share some lore about it. 20) Humanity died out long ago. You are one of a few hundred robots left to wander the Earth. 21) In 2034, to the astonishment of scientists, a mining team discovers the center of the Earth is hollow. What's down there? 22) The Earth is suddenly transported by wormhole to a new solar system in an unfamiliar galaxy. 23) An airship engineer stumbles upon an illegal smuggling ring transporting rare clockwork automatons. Should they report it or join the adventure? 24) The year is 2094. All the way back in 2004, your nerdy ancestor "bought a star" on a website, and as a result you've now inherited a sprawling space empire. 25) What would you do if you got a chance to spend a day with your favorite book character(s)? 26) Philosophers have argued for years about how to create Utopia, the perfect society. How would your perfect society work? 27) It's supposed to be your day off from your detective job, and you're taking a train somewhere pretty. But of course, nothing stays good for long: You stumble into a dead body mid-transit. 28) Tell the story of a dinner party murder mystery. 29) dragon 30) You get the chance to write a sequel to your favorite book/movie/show. Write a quick summary of your ideas. 31) A strange magical accident leaves everyone else in the world illiterate, making you the only person able to read. Tell the story of your life after this accident. 32) Dragons were the first creatures on Earth, and they will likely be the last. Retell the history of the world -- but add dragons! 33) You've been granted the right to change or create one law. 34) You have a strange ability that makes you automatically speak the native language of any person you talk to. One day, you say hi to the cashier at the grocery store, and they drop your eggs on the floor in shock. "I haven't heard that language in 4,000 years." 35) Add your own original character to your favorite book/movie/show. 36) Write a creepy story set in your favorite place. 37) Write about the hero the world needs. 38) Tell the story of an immortal as they watch societies rise and fall. 39) You are the first astronaut to survive a black hole. Write about your experience. 40) Argue for or against one rule, law, or policy that affects you. 41) Write a crossover episode between two of your favorite shows/books/movies. 42) Write a romantic poem about a pair of inanimate objects. 43) Adapt a well-known story into a different setting or genre. 44) During school one day, an elderly version of you falls out of a portal with a loud pop and lands on your desk. They pass you a note, then climb back into the portal and disappear. What does the note say? 45) You realize one day after knocking your head that you've woken up in a slightly different dimension. 46) Write a story about a dog who makes an unlikely friend. 47) Is water wet? Explain. 48) Describe a color that doesn't exist (yet). 49) Write about an event you'd like to have at school. Include a few reasons that would help convince your head of school to try it. 50) Write the backstory of a character you created.
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