Identify 3 purposes when communicating. - Entertain, Inform, Persuade., What is an audience? - The people whom you are presenting a message to., When planning your communication strategy, what should you consider about your audience? - Age, Gender, Background, Socioeconomic status, Interest., The knowledge of your topic is known as your_______expertise. - Domain, As an effective communicator, you need to get the right_________to the right audience. - Message, What are 3 fundament questions that a communicator should ask themselves? - A. What areas of concern B. What does our audience know about the topic? C. What does the audience expect from the message?, Explain the guidelines when writing for the class blog. - A. Don't give out personal information, B. Keep it appropriate like in the classroom. C. Beware of copyright. D. Be factual. E. Stay on assigned topic. F. Be respectful, Describe MLA format rquirements. - A. 12 point font. B. Times New Roman/Arial. C. Name, Teacher, Class, Date. D. Last Name and Page # as Header in top right corner. E. Double Spaced., A thesis statement must be________. - Debatable, What are 2 types of evidence that can be used when conducting research? - A. Primary Sources B. Secondary Sources., What are 4 questions that you can ask to determine if a source is credible? - A. Who is the author? B. How recent is the information? C. What is the author's purpose? D. What sources does your audience value?, When preparing notecards for a speech, you should use 8 criteria. When are these 8 things? - A. 3 x 5 notecard, one sided. B. Visual cues. C. Fewer words, just use keywords. D. Divide information onto separate notecards. E. Number your cards. F. Practice your cards. G. Time marks. H. Include cues of gestures and pauses., List and expain the steps in the writing process. - A. Planning/Brainstorming. B. Draft. C. Revision Check (Content) D. Revise draft/Update. E. Editing Check (grammar, punctuation, etc) F. Edit. G. Publish.,
Composition Mid-Term Review
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