abundant - adj., present in large quantities, accumulate - v., to gradually collect, accurate - adj., correct; free from errors, brash - adj., rude and tactless, brief - adj., short (in terms of time), degrade - v., to lower in quality, demonstrate - v., to show, deny - v., to state that something isn't true, exemplary - adj., worthy of imitation, exclude - v., to leave out, impact - n., effect or influence, impair - v., to worsen , implement - v., to carry out, labor - n. work or effort, lag - v., to fall behind, persist - v. to continue, especially when facing opposition, pertain - v., to relate, phase - n., a period or stage in a process, resolve - v. to come to a firm decision, restrict - v. to confine or keep within limits, suspicious - adj., having the belief that someone is doing something dishonest or illegal, sustain - v. to keep going, symbolic - adj., serving as a symbol,

TOEFL Vocabulary 1


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