1) Who is Babbo Natale? a) A Christmas tree b) An old witch on a broom c) Father Christmas d) A reindeer e) A nativity play f) An elf 2) Who is La Befana? a) A Christmas tree b) A nativity play c) An elf d) An old witch on a broom e) Father Christmas f) A Christmas cake 3) What is Panettone? a) Father Christmas b) A decoration c) a Christmas market d) A Christmas cake e) A reindeer f) A present 4) When do Italian children get presents? a) On the 8th of December b) On the 25th of December c) On the 24th of December d) On the 6th of January e) On the 26th of January f) On the 1st of January 5) What do Italian eat on Christmas eve? a) They feast b) Anything c) Meat d) Poultry e) Fish f) Vegetables 6) If you are naughty La Befana will bring you... a) Nothing b) The presents you asked c) Sweets d) Charcoal e) A letter f) Her broom 7) Father Christmas travels on a... a) Aereoplano b) Treno c) Slitta d) Taxi e) Bicicletta f) Scopa 8) La Befana travels on a... a) Razzo b) Slitta c) Monopattino d) Sottomarino e) Scopa f) Elicottero

Natale - Christmas


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