What is a kira? - a double opening oven, Why is one allowed to leave his tavshil on a kira on erev shabbos if it was heated up with straw and twigs? - because straw and twigs burn out and don't become coals, If one uses gefes or eitzim in his kira what must be done to allow him to leave his food on it? - Remove the coals or cover them with ashes, What is שהייה - leaving food on the fire, What is חזרה - returning cooked food to the fire, Why is the din of a tanur different than a kira - it is cone shaped and has a smaller hole so it stays hotter, What is a kupach - square oven with only one hole, What type of heating is done when putting an egg next to a kettle - indirect, Why do chachomin forbid one to cook an egg on a scarf that was heated by the sun? - it may cause a person to want to cook it,

Mishnayos Shabbos BINYAMIN


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