In outlook and values, Sparta contrasted sharply with other city-states, like Athens, and it built a ____, not a ____. The Spartans demanded half of the ____crop each year but this practice encouraged them to ____ which the Spartans barely put to an end. The Spartan government included an ____ comprised of all Spartan citizens who voted on major issues, a ____ that proposed laws, ____ elected officials who carried out the laws, controlled education, and prosecuted court cases, and two ____ who ruled over Sparta's ____. In Spartan society, ____ were ____ and worked in ____ whereas the ____ were considered little better than slaves and worked in ____. For about 230 years, Sparta had the most powerful ____ in Greece because since the age of____ boys left home and were trained to serve in the army until the age of ____. Since Sparta was a military state, all forms of individual expression were ____. Spartans did not value____ but they did value ____, ____, and ____ over the values of ____, ____, ____, and ____ as they were adopted in ____. Spartan boys were trained for the military by spending their days ____, ____, and ____ wearing only ____ and no shoes. They slept on hard benches without ____, ate a daily diet of ____ and were encouraged to ____ food in order to produce tough, resourceful soldiers. Spartan girls received some ____ training and also ____, ____, and ____ and were taught to put service to Sparta above everything--including ____. Spartan women had considerable freedom in running family ____ when their husbands were away on military service which was opposite of women in ____ who were expected to remain out of sight and quietly raise ____. A legend says that Spartan women told their ____ and ____ going to war to "come back ____ your shield or ____ it."


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