Rashid is looking ____ his mother. I am standing ____ the yard. Did you buy a present ____ Akila? My family has a house that's ____ Campbell Street and Rochester Road. Aarush and I have a dog that likes to hide ____ the kitchen table. The library is on Main Street ____ the bank. The girls have a cute puppy who is ____ five months old. My grandparents have lived in Michigan ____ 2010. Our teacher always gives us a twenty minute break ____ the morning session. What was that loud noise? Did something fall ____ the shelf? I pushed the table up ____ the wall so that it would be out of the way. Min played in the volleyball game ____ having a sore wrist. Why don't you get a job working at the city pool ____ the summer? Scott, Wazim, and Dan went on a fishing trip ____ a big boat on Lake Michigan. Marisol has more homework ____ Teresa so she can't watch a movie tonight.

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