不会 - can't; unable, 翻跟斗 - to somersault, 飞机 - airplane, 飞盘 - frisbee, 跟着 - to follow (someone), 黑色 - black, 黑夜 - dark night, 开会 - to hold a meeting, 妹妹 - younger sister, 爬山 - to climb a mountain, 爬树 - to climb a tree, 跑步 - to run, 起床 - to get up, 青蛙 - frog, 赛跑 - race, 跳绳 - to jump rope, 跳舞 - to dance, 蛙镜 - swimming goggle, 一起 - to do something together, 游泳 - to swim, 游泳池 - swimming pool, 怎么 - Why? How? or What?, 怎么办 - What can (I, etc.) do about this?,



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