1) department (+1 point) 2) arrive(+1 pont) 3) caretaker (+2 points) 4) unlock (+1 point) 5) damage (+2 points) 6) CRIME Kaboom 7) criminal (+ 3 points) 8) reach (+1 point) 9) disgusting (+2 points) 10) lungs (+ 3 points) 11) point out (+ 3 points) 12) arrogant (+ 3 points) 13) WORRY Kaboom 14) PERHAPS Swap your points with another player 15) already (+1 point) 16) slice (+ 3 points) 17) stroll Kaboom 18) give up (+2 points) 19) ARGUE Swap your points with another player 20) release (+1 point) 21) sprinkler (+ 3 points) 22) give up (+ 3 points) 23) suggest (+2 points) 24) organic Kaboom

Kaboom Teen Talent Episode 4 Unit 2


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