Force - any push or pull, Cause and Effect - the way force happens , Applied Force - force that is physically done to move something, Physically Pushing Tables - is an example of applied force, Friction - the force created when two objects slide/move against each other, Opposes - friction force ... applied force, More Friction - means it will be hard to move something, Less Friction - means it will be easier to move something, Tension - a pulling force created when both sides of a rope are pulled, Example of Tension - your dog is pulling on his leash, Tight - ropes become ... when there is tension, Slack - ropes have ... when there is less tension, Gravity - the force of attraction between two objects, Down - gravity pulls things ... toward the groun and hold them in place, What goes up... - must come down, Balanced Forces - means there is no movement, Unbalanced Forces - means there is movement, Gravity allows... - two forces to be balanced,

Electromagnetic Forces



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