Landowners - These were they wealthiest people in the colonies. They owned large plantations and held positions of leadership in their communities., Farmers - These families lived on small farms. They did not make a lot of money. They grew their own food and made their own clothes and furniture. They bought other necessities from artisan shops., Artisans - These were skilled workers who crafted things by hand. Some examples of this are: blacksmiths, carpenters, wheelwrights, wig makers, coopers, and milliners., Wealthy Colonist Women - These women did not do hard work. They managed household servants and entertained guests. They did not have as many rights as men., Working Class Colonist Women - These women worked hard on their family farms. They cleaned, cooked, sewed, and raised children. They did not have as many rights as men., African Women - Many of these women were enslaved and forced to work on the plantations. They also did household jobs in plantation homes. Some gained freedom and pursued independent lives., Native American Women - Many of these women were enslaved and forced to work for the colonists. During this time, many lost their homes to European invasion., Colonist Children - They did not have much time to play. Wealthy ones were homeschooled. Some went to public school. Others learned skills to help at home or to become artisans like their parents., Indentured Servants - These people made an agreement to work in exchange for passage to the colonies. They worked hard until they could earn their freedom. Many were not able to gain their freedom., Enslaved People - They were enslaved by Europeans and forced to work for the colonists. They were given equal rights. They lived in poor conditions. Some fought for and gained their freedom., Native Americans - They had lived in America long before the colonists came from Europe. They were forced to leave their lands. Many times the Europeans tricked them with dishonest land agreements.,

People of the American Colonies


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