1) What does the root audi mean? a) to see b) to hear c) can do d) to say or speak 2) What does the root bio mean? a) to see b) extreme fear c) life d) to write 3) What does the root dict mean? a) to hear b) study of c) to measure d) to speak or say 4) What does the root auto mean? a) self b) life c) to measure d) to hear 5) What does the root vis mean? a) far b) to see c) can do d) extreme fear 6) What does the root phobia mean? a) far b) life c) extreme fear d) self 7) What does the root meter mean? a) self b) study of c) to say or speak d) to measure 8) What does the root tele mean? a) to see b) to hear c) far d) study of 9) What does the root ology mean? a) the study of b) can do c) say or speak d) to see 10) What does the root ible mean? a) to see b) can do c) study of d) talk

Greek and Latin roots



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