went - past simple of go, wrote - past simple of write, drew - past simple of draw, was - past simple of be, brought - past simple of bring, caught - past simple of catch, bought - past simple of buy, chose - past simple of choose, came - past simple of come, did - past simple of do, had - past simple of have, could - past simple of can, drank - past simple of drink, woke - past simple of wake, swam - past simple of swim, knew - past simple of know, thought - past simple of think, saw - past simple of see, put - past simple of put, ate - past simple of eat, took - past simple of take, said - past simple of say, got - past simple of get, sat - past simple of sit, gave - past simple of give, found - past simple of find, made - past simple of make, ran - past simple of run, slept - past simple of sleep, flew - past simple of fly,

Irregular verbs (past simple only) - Crossword (M)


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