1) This is the #1 way SCHC students have found their internships the last two years?  a) Career Center b) Classroom Guest Speaker c) Company Website d) Personal Contact (family, friend, etc) e) SCHC Faculty/Staff f) Handshake 2) Total number of SCHC student interns reported (SU19-SU20)? a) 333 b) 233 c) 100 d) 103 e) 303 f) 203 3) Percentage of SCHC students with paid internships (SU19-SU20)? a) 63% b) 79% c) 80% d) 50% 4) Average hourly salary for paid internships (SU19-SU20)? a) $7.25 b) $12.00 c) $17.00 d) $15.00 5) What percentage of SCHC students intern in South Carolina (SU19-SU20)? a) 35% b) 25% c) 60% d) 40% 6) Which of the following would NOT qualify for the SCHC Internship Course? a) Volunteering 150+ hours b) Job Shadowing 150+ hours c) Part-time job Chic-Fila d) Research 150+ hours | Not at UofSC e) Running a personal business (i.e. Etsy) f) All of the Above 7) SCHC students can repeat the Honors Internship course (SCHC 498/391 or USC 999) for credit? a) True b) False 8) SCHC Students can enroll in two different academic courses for the same experience (i.e. SCHC 498 & HRTM 495) a) True b) False 9) When a student asks you "How do I find an internship" during an appointment you should.... a) Have them schedule an appointment with E.Elbery b) Ask if they have a resume c) Share the SCHC Internship Website d) Have them schedule an appointment with J.Hutt e) Set up a follow up appointment f) Share the SCHC Field Guide

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