persuasive - A form of writing that uses facts to persuade you., non-fiction - A form of writing that is factual., main idea - The point the writing is trying to get across., subject - Found in the first sentence, title, or in the heading., fact - Spiders have 8 eyes., opinion - I speak good English., supporting details - Evidence to support the main idea., entertain - A story with characters, places, and events., the big idea - What is the main idea?, facts - Humans have bones. (put a s at the end even if it not supposed to have one), opinions - Football is the best sport ever. (this one has a s at the end just like 10), persuasives - Someone is writing about how cookies are better than ice cream. (there is one s at the end), factss - The U.S.A won the space race to the moon. (there are 2 s at the end), opinionss - Rabbits are cute. (there is 2 s at the end), opinionsss - People should earn money by playing games. (there is 3 s at the end),

Main idea, authors purpose, fact and opinion.



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