Tinker vs. Des Moines - Speech in schools can only be limited when it causes a significant disruption to the learning environment, 1st amendment, New Jersey vs TLO - Students may be searched without a warrant while in school, Gideon vs. Wainwright - States have to provide lawyers to everyone regardless if they could afford them or not in all cases, 6th amendment,, Miranda vs. Arizona - We have the right to remain silent, 5th amendment, McCulloch v Maryland - Established that Congress has implied powers that aren't written in the Constitution, Plessy vs. Ferguson - Enforced 'Separate but equal', 14th amendment, Brown vs. Board of Education - Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and struck down segregation as being unequal, 14th amendment, Marbury vs. Madison - This case first showed the Supreme Courts actions of Judicial Review and their power to check the Executive and Legislative Branches,

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