addict - A person with a very strong desire for something that is habit-forming and sometimes harmful., aspire - To have a strong desire to get or do something; to seek., bias - A preference that prevents one from being impartial; prejudice., blatant - Very obvious in an offensive or shameless way., candid - Expressed honestly and without holding back unpleasant truths., confront - To stand up to; to face boldly., debut - A first public appearance., enroll - To sign up to become a member of some group or activity; to register., fluster - To make nervous, embarrassed, or confused., impunity - Freedom from being harmed or punished., intensify - To increase; to strengthen or deepen., intimidate - To frighten, especially by threatening someone., obnoxious - Very unpleasant; disgusting., retort - To answer, especially in a quick or clever way., stint - A period of time devoted to a job or some task.,

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