How long have you been studying English? , What other languages have you studied? , What have you enjoyed most about studying English? , What have you disliked most about studying English? , How would you feel about going to live and work abroad permanently? , What important events have happened in your life recently? , What are your earliest memories of school? , Is there any special reason you are studying English? , What plans do you have for your future? , What are your particular likes and dislikes? , What are your tastes in food’ what are your tastes in music? , What kind of reading do you enjoy? , What sports do you enjoy? , What is your ideal holiday? , What qualities do you look for in a friend? , What are your favourite tv programmes? , What kind of physical exercise do you take? , What kind of family do you have? , What are your greatest ambitions? , What do you think are the biggest differences between living in your own country and living abroad? , Are there any disadvantages of living here? , How do you usually travel to work / college? , How will English be useful to you in the future? , Is Seville the best place to live? , What do you most appreciate about where you live? , What do you think you would miss about Spain if you went to live abroad? , Are you an adventurous cook? , How would you express your attitude to food and diet? , Are you a morning or an evening person? , How important do you think English is in this country? , What interesting events have happened in your life recently? , If you could meet somebody famous, who would you choose? , What are your earliest memories of school? , What do you consider to be the most memorable event in your life so far? , What do you enjoy learning? , If you had an opportunity to learn something new, what would you choose? , What do you hope to be doing this time next year? , Are you someone who likes to plan for the future or do you prefer to let things happen? , Which countries would you most like to visit? , Which part of your country would you recommend to tourists? , Do you think you would like to work in the travel industry? , Do you prefer to follow a routine or do you like to do something different every day?.

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