Anatta - Belief that there is no fixed self/soul, Anicca - Impermanence. Belief that nothing is permanent;, Ascetic - A life free from worldly pleasures, and involves giving up of material possessions., Buddha - An awakened or enlightened person., Craving - The ongoing state of desire which causes suffering;, Dukkha - Suffering. Belief that all life includes suffering and unsatisfactoriness, The Four Sights - The things Siddhartha saw when he left the palace, Meditation - Emptying your mind of thoughts - being in the present, Three Universal Truths - The three truths that apply to all things - dukkha, anicca, anatta., Buddhism - The religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama when he achieved enlightenment , Enlightenment - The goal of life for Buddhists., Right Action - Behaving in a way that does not harm others., Right Speech - To speak truthfully and avoid gossip. , Right Livelihood - To have a job that doesn’t cause suffering or harm to others, Right Effort - To try hard to be positive., Compassion - Love for others, The First Sight - Old age, The Second Sight - Sickness, The Third Sight - Death, The Forth Sight - A Holy Man, Tripitka - A Buddhist scripture meaning 'three baskets', Warrior / Ruler - The Caste Siddhartha was born into to,

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