Alliances - Agreement among countries to support and defend each other, League of Nations - International organization formed after WW1 to promote peace and prevent war; US did NOT join, No man's land - area between the trenches on the battlefield, Zimmerman Telegram - Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico asking for their support/alliance in WW1 against US, Nationalism - Having a strong pride in one's country and willing to defend it in war, Isolationism - the feeling that your country should not get involved in other countries' affairs, Imperialism - when one country takes over another country, Militarism - a country's belief that building up a big and powerful military is the most important thing, Lusitania - British ship sunk by German u-boats killing over 100 Americans. Led to US entering the fight, Treaty of Versailles - Treaty that ended the war placing harsh punishments on Germany, Trench warfare - type of warfare where each side fought from trenches dug into the ground for protection, World War 1 - war fought between the Allied and Central Powers from 1914-1918, Woodrow Wilson - US President during WW1, Assassination of Franz Ferdinand - Spark of the first world war in Europe, Causes of WW1 - Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Wilson's 14 points - Peace plan to prevent future wars, Alvin York - received the Congressional Medal of Honor, Espionage/Sedition Act - Limited freedom of speech (1st amendment) rights during war, Henry Cabot Lodge - US Senator who led the opposition of the League of Nations, Selective Service Act - Law that authorized a draft AKA conscription, Technology of WW1 - Poison Gas, tanks, Machine guns, airplanes,

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